National Financial Literacy Program for Youth (NFLP-Y)

National Institute of Banking & Finance in collaboration with State Bank of Pakistan is implementing “National Financial Literacy Program for Youth” (NFLP-Y) to impart essential financial education to Pakistani youth and school going children for strengthening of their money management skills and enhance their understanding of financial matters. The program is targeting three age groups (School going Children: age 9-12 years; Adolescent: age 13-17 years; Youth: age 18-29 years) across 45 selected districts of Pakistan including GB & AJK. NIBAF (NFLP-Y) aims at reaching out to 1.6 million children, adolescents and youth through classroom trainings including 0.6 million on digital learning platform during five years i.e. 2018 - 2023.

Key objectives of the program are:

  • Strengthen and improve money management knowledge, skills and behaviors among youth.
  • Inspire the youth to set financial goals through saving, budgeting and planning for their future.
  • Educate the youth about their rights and responsibilities as consumers of financial services and products.

NIBAF Pakistan's Financial Literacy Book Series

Sr. No. Book Title
1. AIK ANAAR, DO ANAAR [Level-1 Urdu Workbook (Age 6 - 8)] Click to view
2. ONE POMEGRANATE,TWO POMEGRANATE [Level-1 Urdu Workbook (Age 6 - 8)] Click to view
3. ANAAR KA DARAKHT [Level-2 (Age 9 - 12)] Click to view
4. THE POMEGRANATE TREE [Level-2 (Age 9 - 12)] Click to view
5. ANAAR KA RAS [Level-3 (Age 13 - 17)] Click to view
6. POMEGRANATE JUICE [Level-3 (Age 13 - 17)] Click to view
7. ANAAR KA KAROBAAR [Level-4 (Age 18 - 29)] Click to view
8. THE POMEGRANATE ENTERPRISE [Level-4 (Age 18 - 29)] Click to view
For More Details please visit NFLP-Y website :